Setting up a Beowulf Cluster: WEEK #5 & WEEK #6

Last time I posted we were confused about which Operating System to install. We were more inclined to use the PelicanHPC. But it didn't work the way we wanted it to work. We could only boot the PelicanHPC in Live mode, which is not that great. Although using PelicanHPC would have been the better choice because we would have created our cluster in no time. According to Mayank Sharma, it would have only taken less than 3 minutes.[1]
After failing with both PelicanHPC and RedHat, we choose Ubuntu 6.04. Yes, we had to install, the old version, because our processors would not support the newer stable versions. 

Installing Required Packages and Compilers
After finally deciding which operating system to use, we had to install all the necessary packages, and compilers. But then we faced another minor problem.
Problem: After support for an old Ubuntu releases had been dropped, the repositories from their main repository servers such as and was removed. So, when you run sudo apt-get update you are met with a list of errors telling that the configured repositories were not found.
Solution: To get back on the repository train, we edited /etc/apt/sources.list by following the guide from  and replaced all instances of and with the very fitting After that, running sudo apt-get update and the repository indexes fixes.
Finally, installation of GCC and G++ was done by the following command:
·         sudo apt-get install gcc-4.0
·         sudo apt-get install g++-4.0

Defining User for Mpi Jobs
Here it stated that if we create the same user in all the computers, then it would be alot easier when we mount and run the MPI jobs on the nodes. So, following this site, we created same user with the same user id in all the computers, i.e., both the slaves and the master.
$ sudo adduser mpiuser --uid 999
Now we mount the master home directory; /home/mpiuser in Prithvi-desktop, on the slave nodes by the following code:
vayu01:~$ sudo mount prithvi-desktop:/home/mpiuser /home/mpiuser
We can check whether the mount was successful or not by creating a folder or file in the master /home/mpiuser, then checking on the node vayu01 if the same folder or file has been created or not. Dont freak if mount is not successfull in the first try, reboot the system and try again, it may take a while.

Installation of Open MPI
The Open MPI package was downloaded from
The following steps were followed after downloading the file:
Step1: Untar and unzip the downloaded file.
·         tar zxvf openmpi-1.4.4.tar.gz
Step2: Then navigate into the unzipped directory and type the following, where:
/usr/local/opemmpi is the location in which you would like to install OpenMPI (root or administrator access may be required; type "sudo make install")
·         ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openmpi
·         make
·         make install
Step3: Setting up Environment Variables
Add the following environment variable to your ~/.bashrc (if you are using bash) where /usr/local is the installation directory:
export MPI_DIR=/usr/local/openmpi
Step4:Adding OpenMPI to your Path
You will also need to add OpenMPI to your path. To view your PATH, type the following:
echo $PATH
This will probably look something like PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin, which is a list of ':' separated directories of where commands can be executed from without typing the full path. To add OpenMPI to your path add the following to your ~/.bashrc file (where /usr/local/openmpi is the path where your MPI implementation was installed):
·         export PATH=/usr/local/openmpi/bin:$PATH
·         export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/openmpi/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
To let Open MPI know which machines to run your programs on, you can create a file to store this. I will call this file /home/mpiuser/.mpi_hostfile and it could contain the following:
# The Hostfile for Open MPI
# The master node, 'slots=1' is used because it is a single-processor machine.
localhost slots=1
# The following slave nodes are single processor machines:



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